
Monday, May 31, 2010


Some times I am at a loss for words. Not today...
 Goats. Lindsey.Bugs.Ashtyn. Sweat. Casey. Bradyn. Shadows. Brian. Poisen Ivy. Danielle. Brett. Jacquie. Carrie. Rhubarb. Devon. Diet Coke. Butterfly wings. Cold hose. Barbed-wire.

Some people use "family friends" quite flippantly. The Fisher's and Bantley's are MORE than family friends. They are friends that are family.

I shot Devon and Jacquie's senior shots last year and have already started working on Ashtyn and Lindsey's for 2011. I hope to be part of many more family shoots, senior shoots, weddings, etc. I love you guys! Thanks.

It's too bad we didn't have any fun...

1 comment:

T Fowler said...

Love these families! Love the photographs. Wow - you captured their spirits perfectly!

There is nothing I love more than being behind a camera capturing life’s moments - wonderful, funny, messy, precious, indescribable, irreplaceable,memorable moments.