Indianapolis Photographer- Suni Danielle Photography
As it goes with most of us photographers in the midwest and regions to the north, the winter is SUPPOSED to be our slow time. Our time to catch up on all the equipment cleanings, updating websites, streamlining business models, updating branding and client documents and such. I always look forward to having a break after the grueling shooting hours of fall here in Indiana.
The holidays FLEW by yet again. January is usually when I lock myself in a few days a week and prepare for the upcoming year and for the thaw that will inevitably come, turning the crickets in my inbox to chirps of clients wanting to book their spring and summer sessions. So it was for a few days this winter. However now, I am taking advantage of my studio to do some studio sessions with a few kiddos and new babes. I also have kept busy with some new commercial contracts and my ongoing work with Center for Global Impact as they've put out some new items in the last week.
I was just about to put out some openings in March and April when I received a call from an "old friend" to fly to Phoenix this late winter. OOOoook. Twist my arm. I will go. I LOVE not only working for this amazing company, but getting away from the dreary winter days to much warmer temps and amazing Arizona sunsets (mixed in with a few spring training games) is good for the soul!
So I am leaving on a jet plane a few times this late winter and early spring for some work/play dates and I will do my best to keep you all abreast of my upcoming shoots and behind the scenes adventures as I state hop. I am beyond blessed that God has allowed me so many different opportunities to turn the gifts He's given me into not only support for my family, but adventures I might not otherwise experience!
Here's a handful of new items offered at CGI (byTavi) and also some of the beautiful faces of the ladies of BookSparks team (2014) who I will be visiting in just a few short weeks.